Data Protection GDPR

NEBOSH needs to collect certain types of information about people with which it deals in order to operate. This includes information relating to current, past or prospective employees, learning partners, students, suppliers, clients and others with whom it communicates. In addition, NEBOSH may occasionally be required by law to collect and use certain types of information to comply with the requirements of government departments.

The GDPR provides various safeguards relating to the management of individuals’ personal data. It places a number of obligations on NEBOSH to ensure that data is managed effectively and lawfully. NEBOSH fully endorses and adheres to the principles of data protection, as set out in the GDPR. Information on how NEBOSH processes personal data can be found in our Privacy Statement.

You can make a formal request to receive copies of any information held about you by NEBOSH. To do this you are required to submit a subject access request.

To comply with the GDPR NEBOSH will;

  • Ensure fair collection and use of information;
  • Meet its legal obligation to specify the purposes for which information is used;
  • Collect and process appropriate information needed to fulfil operational need or comply with legal requirements;
  • Ensure the quality of information used;
  • Ensure that information is held for no longer than necessary;
  • Ensure that the rights of an individual are fully exercised under the Act;
  • Take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal information;
  • Ensure that personal information is not transferred to a country outside the EEU without suitable safeguard.

If you have any concerns or wish to contact NEBOSH regarding Data Protection please contact our Data Protection Representative by emailing, calling on +44 116 2634700 or writing to;

Data Protection Representative
5 Dominus Way
Meridian Business Park
LE19 1QW
